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Friday, September 26, 2008

Profile Tok Guru -Nik Aziz

Dato' Haji Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat is a Malaysian politician, an Islamic ulama and currently the Chief Minister of the state of Kelantan. He holds the position of Mursyidul Am or the spiritual leader within Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party. He was born 1931 in Pulau Melaka, Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
He graduated with a Bachelor Of Arts in Arabic Studies and Master of Art in Islamic law from the Al-Azhar University. During the time of his study, he was one of the witnesses and a civilian to have lived in the heat of Arab-Israeli Wars. He can speak a few foreign languages such as Arabic, English, Tamil and Urdu.
His administration in Kelantan frequently clashed on the role of Islam in Malaysia with the former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir.
His advocate of Islamic shariah law to all facets and levels of society of Muslims has drawn praised and criticism from various quarters. Some of the controversies widely reported was his suggestion that women would be at a lower risk of being raped if they abandoned their lipstick and perfume[1] and for a 15-year ban on the game of snooker.[2]
Despite his position as Menteri Besar, the head of the Kelantan government, he lives in his small house and leads a very moderate life instead of using an official government residence. Being a prominent figure in the Islamic Party of Malaysia, he receives support from a number of Muslims and non-Muslims in and outside of Kelantan.[citation needed]


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